Fred’s Blog

6 Ways the Internet Can Improve Productivity
This post was contributed by Fred Mouawad to Taskworld on 4/14/2015. Using internet at work is often associated with procrastination. There is a stigma that employees overusing the Internet and other digital technologies are less productive than others....

5 Ways Technology Can Improve Productivity at Work
As a portfolio entrepreneur, I have found numerous ways to be more productive using technology — This article you’ll find five ways to utilize technology to you, and your business’s, advantage.

A Billionaire’s Guide to Productivity
The preciousness of time cannot be argued by anyone. To me, productivity is the process by which this priceless commodity can be used in the most effective way possible. It is my experience that with practicing the following ideas, leading a productive work life can easily become a lifestyle for anyone.

The Seven Eyes and One Big Picture of Product Development
To develop insanely great products, it’s imperative to be able to look at the world from multiple viewpoints, or what we like to think of as a number of “eyes.” This range of perspectives enables the people in charge of product development to acquire a greater understanding of the actual market dynamics and to determine a path that maximizes the probability of success. In an ideal world, the head of product development would see the world from these many windows and synthesize these views into one road map that would chart the way to our ultimate destination: customer value creation.

13 Project Management Terms You Should Know
As a project manager, there are certain terms that you must be well-versed with. A study of these is an excellent place to start to improve your personal management style. Here are 13 important project management terms for your perusal.
Nurturing Vs. Damaging Culture